How To Download Maven On Mac Via Git

  • To install maven on macOS follow the next steps. This should work for any version of macOS and maven. To check first if there is any version installed, run the command: $ mvn -version. If the output is. Bash: mvn: command not found. You need to install maven. Step1 - Download. From Download page, get the latest version (currently 3.3.9) of the.
  • Introduction walks through the course goals, approach and then define Maven. After just a little bit of Theory in Core Concepts, we step through Maven Installation on Windows and Mac OS X. In Setup and Getting Help, we cover how to ask for help in Maven. We also download the.

How To Download Maven On Mac

I am setting up my new MAC pro for Java development. As I am new to MAC, I find issues while installing and configuring JAVA_HOME variable. Finally I got the solution and I explained in my JAVA_HOME post that how to configure the variable. In this post I am going to show you how to install Maven on MAC.

What is Maven

Apache Maven is a build tool which helps Java developers in building and managing projects. Here are the few features of Maven,

  1. It makes the build process easy
  2. It provides a uniform build system
  3. It provides quality project information
  4. It allow transparent migration to new features

If you don’t want to use those wrappers, go to the official Maven website or Gradle website to do your own installation. Install Git from We recommend you also use a tool like SourceTree if you are starting with Git. JHipster will try to commit your project to Git, if it is installed.

Installing Maven on Mac OS

Now MAC OS is not coming with default installation of Maven. The time when I am writing this post I am using MacOS 10.12. To verify if the Maven is installed or not on the machine. Open the terminal window and type mvn and hit enter. If you get the message “command not found” then it means Maven is not installed. Download it from the Apache Maven website. And unzip the folder. Make sure you unzip the file in a proper location. I created a WorkSpace folder in my documents and I move the unzip folder in that. The path on MAC looks like this /Users/waqas80/Documents/WorkSpace/apache-maven-3.3.9 .


How To Download Maven In Mac

Before configuring it make sure you have install JDK on your machine and JAVA_HOME variable is set. You can type java-version in the terminal window to check if JDK is installed or not.


One JDK is set, follow the below steps,

  1. Add M2_HOME environment variable by typing the following command in the terminal window, make sure to give the correct path of Maven unzip folder.